| 6.6.3 - Auswertung von Diagrammscheiben |
Verfasst am: Do Sep 16, 2010 4:12 pm |
Ruypers |
Anmeldedatum: 01.01.1970 |
Beiträge: 3 |
The relation between the radius r from the turning center of the tachograph chart and the velocity v is given by the equation
r = r(o) +t(c)v
And what about the "Ansprechschwelle" ? Don't you need to add the "threshold velocity" to the result of the equation ?
Kind regards |
| No, this is (almost) correct |
Verfasst am: Di Sep 21, 2010 8:49 pm |
Whugemann |
Anmeldedatum: 01.01.1970 |
Beiträge: 52 |
Wohnort: Münster |
The radius r_0 used in this equation is somewhat smaller than the radius of the circle of rest r_t (Ruhekreis), as you can also see in table 6.6.1: r_0 is less than half the diameter of the 'Ruhekreis'.
Using the index 't' for 'threshold', we can write
r_t = r_0 + t_c * v_t
Equation 6.6.1 therefore only holds if the speed is equal or greater than the threshold speed. |
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